Rectangle Mirrored Coffee Table, Silver with Cryatal Diamond Inlay


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SKU 200007763:201336106_cv71vcnl3ikg00c04dg0 Categories ,
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Product Dimensions 24″D x 36″W x 18″H
Color Silver
Product Care Instructions Wipe with Dry Cloth
  Item Weight
44 Pounds
  Frame Material
Engineered Wood
  Top Material Type
Engineered Wood

About this item

  • 【High quality】 This luxury Mirror coffee table is made of premium silver mirror glass and thick MDF, which is easy to clean and sturdy.
  • 【Crystal inlaid】 The elegant rectangle coffee table is decorated with sparkling crystal diamonds, Luxury fashion, amazing.
  • 【Wide Application】 Silver mirrored coffee table can reflect the light, make the room look brighter, very suitable for the living room, office and other places, play a good decorative role, is a practical and decorative combination of elegant furniture.
  • 【Simple installation】 This glass coffee table does not have much complicated installation steps, just install the table legs, it will not cost more than 10 minutes.
  • 【Professional packaging & Worry-free purchase】 As we have been engaged in mirror furniture for many years, mirror furniture has been professionally packaged to avoid damage during transportation. If the product is damaged, please contact us in time.

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United States


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